

国学,一国所固有之学术也,是指以儒学为主体的中华传统文化与学术。作为炎黄子孙,你了解国学吗?你想有朝一日在老外面前侃侃而谈博大精深的中国文化吗?让我们一起来穿越到那个遥远的年代,品读国学,分享智慧……   Before the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC), traditional values from the Zhou Dynasty gradually collapsed, with different regimes and different thoughts flourishing throughout China. According to official records of the Han Dynasty, there are as many as 189 differentschools of thoughts at the time, making that period the pinnacle of Chinese philosophy. Scholars in the Han Dynasty summed up the pre-Qin philosophy in "nine genres and 10 schools."


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), the notion that "heaven is dead"prevailed; Confucian moral concepts and values waned; and, society experienced majorturbulence. Philosophers at the time used metaphysical discussions on the interrelation between Confucianism and Taoism to explain a number of important topics like the relationship between Confucianism and nature. Theoretical hypotheses wereunprecedented during this time.


From the Tang to the Song Dynasty (960-1279), traditional values suffered from disorder as the Han people blended with other ethnic groups. The contradictions between foreign and indigenous cultures, and official and folk cultures, were more glaring than ever. Facing the contradiction, the Confucian school of idealist philosophers endeavoredto reestablish a spiritual world for the people in the Song Dynasty, with their efforts to integrate Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.



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